
CORELINK 20:80 Ratio Steel Tube PLC Splitter

FTTX Product: Splitter

Tk. 150 Tk. 250

CORELINK 20/80 Ratio Steel Tube PLC Splitter


Single mode Single Window FBT Fiber Couplers are designed for power splitting and tapping in telecommunication equipment, CATV network, and test equipment. Our single mode optical couplers work at either 1310nm or 1490nm or 1550nm. Single mode FBT couplers are fabricated using single mode fibers. They have operation bandwidth of 40nm around its central wavelength. The excess loss is very low, no greater than 0.15dB for grade A product and no greater than 0.1dB for premium grade product. Also, customers can specify your required coupling ratios. FC/UPC or APC, SC/UPC or APC, LC/UPC or APC and ST/UPC or APC fiber optic connectors are available.


Low Excess Loss

Various Coupling Ratios

Wide Pass Band

High Stability and Reliability



Passive Optical Networks (PON)

Local Area Networks (LAN)

CATV Systems

Optical communication systems


Single mode Single Window FBT Couplers

Grade ParameterPA

Operating wavelength (nm)1310 or 1550, others on request

Operating bandwidth (nm)?20

Typical excess loss (dB)0.070.10

Insertion loss (dB)